Cedar Waxwings in the Holly trees outside the UNO Computer Center
It was a cloudy, cold, gray, and wintery day with the wind blowing fairly hard. The birds were eating red berries as fast they could. By the end of the day, the berries were gone and so were most of the waxwings. This year, they stayed around UNO about 2 or 3 weeks.
This little guy (Prothonotary Warbler) flew in, but there was only time to take one very lucky shot before he flew off again. There were just too many Waxwings flying around for him to stay long. Click on the picture to see the full size picture.
Killdeer from eggs to babies -- Georgia 4-2-12
Blue Birds pair of angry Blue Birds -- Georgia 2-26-12
Osprey and Brown Pelican in City Park 3-4-08 and 3-14-08
Red Shouldered Hawk on Wisner Blvd. 1-6-06
Coopers Hawk on UNO campus. 1-23-06
My neighbor's Hawk October 2006
Red Shouldered Hawk on Holiday Drive. 3-28-06
Unknown Hawk near Holmes Blvd 12-1-06
Unknown Hawk on Paris Ave 5-23-07
Mississippi Kite on Eaton St 6-8-08
Dove on Park Timbers Drive 4-8-06
Scarlet Tanager in front of UNO Computer Center 4-27-06
Scarlet Tanager Between UNO's Math building and the Computer Center 9-1-06.
We think he was stunned when he hit a window.
Birds in Somerset back yard 7-14-05
Brown Pelicans (Bayou St. John - November 2003) and White Pelicans (LSU - January 2004)
Carolina Wren nesting July 2004
Hummingbirds Spring 2009
Coot and Great Blue Heron Audubon Park March 2009
Whistling (Tree) Ducks and Wood Ducks Audubon Park March 2009
Waxwings in UNO Computer Center Holly Trees March 25, 2010
Eastern Kingbird in UNO Science parking lot April 22, 2010
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