Katrina August 29, 2005
Jefferson Center is now the main UNO campus.
A roof leak ruined network equipment. Notice the rust oozing from the connections.
Part of the ceiling fell and pieces of it stuck to our switches.
The satelite dishes have arrived. Since we weren't allowed in the building, we set them up in the parking lot and discovered how to set them up and how they worked.
Then we posed for pictures.
And surfed.
We were finally allowed in the building, but only up to the second floor so we set them up on a balcony. Each of these satelites were rated at about the size of a T1 line. About 200 machines (including MANY wireless laptops), connected to these 2 dishes.
Pictures from UNO
Miscelaneous buildings after the storm.
Power is returning to UNO's main campus.
Engineering building and its basement.
Science building basement.
Lafitte Village flooding Founders Road
Back on track at the Jefferson Center on Causeway Blvd.
Clearing out a network closet in preparation for remediation.
Presidents Bush and Clinton visited UNO Dec 7, 2005.
(Their Katrina Fund)
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